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The Pomodoro Technique

Developed by the Italian Francesco Cirillo in the end of 80s, the Pomodoro Technique was made with the aim of increase your productivity in the studies. As well as, he got the nice idea of to use a kitchen timer, with the format like a tomato, to organize your tasks.

Furthermore, he defined "pomodoros" of 25 minutes and, among them, short and long breaks, used to relax and do something that not be related to what you're doing during the pomodoros.

The objective of the Technique is to note your tasks and for each pomodoro you accomplish, without breaks, the maximum of tasks that you can. In the end of each pomodoro, you remove of the list the tasks that you done and relax for 5 minutes. After 4 pomodoros you take a longer break, between 15 and 30 minutes.

Read more about the Pomodoro technique and learn how to boost your productivity:

5 steps to use the Pixeldoro:

  1. Add your tasks on the area "To-do list";
  2. Press the button "Start" to beggin the first pomodoro, and if you'd like to stop press "Stop";
  3. Do your tasks trying not to get distracted.
  4. When the time dones, start the break of 5 minutes, even if you hasn't done your tasks.
  5. Repeat the process.

